Research: NCTSPM Projects

NCTSPM supports research projects at each of our consortium universities. Research focuses on safety, transportation infrastructure and services, and economic competiveness.
Project Title Principal Investigator(s) University Topic
Managing Transportation System Health: Setting Performance Targets and Policies in Non-Uniform Regions and Jurisdictions to Achieve Uniform Statewide and National Objectives Kennedy, Adjo Amekudzi, Southworth, Frank, Ross, Catherine
  • Georgia Institute of Technology
Economic Competitiveness
Micro-Dynamics of business location and growth and its effects on the transportation network and congestion in Georgia and the Southeast region Ghosal, Vivek, Southworth, Frank
  • Georgia Institute of Technology
Economic Competitiveness
Mobile Technology Usage amongst the Transit-Riding Populace Kari Watkins
  • Georgia Institute of Technology
Next Generation Crack Sealing Planning Tool for Pavement Preservation Tsai, James, Wang, Zhaohua, Yezzi, Anthony, Nam, Boohyun
  • Georgia Institute of Technology, University of Central Florida
Next-Generation Wireless Bridge Weigh-in-Motion (WIM) System Integrated with Nondestructive Evaluation (NDE) Capability for Transportation Infrastructure Safety Wang, Yang
  • Georgia Institute of Technology
Safety, State-of-Good-Repair
Optimizing EMS Through The Use Of Intelligent Transportation Systems (ITS) Technologies Sullivan, Andrew
  • University of Alabama at Birmingham
Performance Measurements of Transportation Systems based on Fine-Grained Data Collected by AVI and AVL Systems Hadi, Mohammed, Al-Deek, Haitham
  • Florida International University, University of Central Florida


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