Next Generation Crack Sealing Planning Tool for Pavement Preservation

Project Description: 

This research project is to develop a next generation, data-driven crack sealing planning tool for advancing the existing state-of-good-repair practices to achieve the highest return on investment for pavement preservation and to better utilize the existing infrastructure by prolonging its life. This tool is especially important because outsourcing has become a trend for crack sealing and transportation agencies’ budgets are stringently constrained.

The research team is now conducting literature review on the state-of-the-practice of pavement preservation, especially the project selection criteria, operations, and pricing of crack sealing; and the state-of-the-art of crack map detection algorithms using different sensing data including 3D laser data and digital images.

Final Report

Next Generation Crack Sealing Planning Tool for Pavement Preservation


  1. "Automatic Pavement Crack Evaluation Using 3D Laser Data and Crack Fundamental Element Tool", presented at the 2015 UTC Conference for the Southeastern Region in Birmingham, Alabama, March 26-27, 2015.
  2. "Implementation of Automatic Crack Evaluation Using Crack Fundamental Element", presented at the IEEE International Conference on Image Processing in Paris, France, October 30, 2014.
  3. "Innovative Crack Sealing Analysis and Cost Estimation for Airport Runway Shoulders Using 3D Laser Technology and Automatic Crack Detection Algorithms", presented at the International Airfield and Highway Pavements Conference in Miami, Florida, June 7-10, 2015.
  4. "Next Generation Intelligent Crack Sealing Planning using 3D Laser Technology", presented at the 2015 UTC Conference for the Southeastern Region in Birmingham, Alabama, March 26-27, 2015.

Project Information Forms: 

  1. January 2014
  2. July 2014
Principal Investigator(s) Contact Information:
Georgia Institute of Technology, University of Central Florida
Start and End Dates: 
01/01/14 - 11/05/15

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