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National Center for Transportation Systems Productivity and Management (NCTSPM) is a Tier 1 University Transportation Center (UTC). Funded by the US Department of Transportation (USDOT) Office of the Assistant Secretary for Research and Technology, NCTSPM is a collaboration between Georgia Institute of Technology, Georgia Transportation Institute, Florida International University, University of Central Florida, University of Alabama at Birmingham, and each university’s state Department of Transportation.  




The scope of the Center program in research, education and technology transfer is multi-modal, multi-disciplinary, multi-sector and needs driven.  The theme of NCTSPM is transportation systems performance and management, and its focus is on addressing critical interactions between safety, state-of-good-repair, and economic competitiveness. NCTSPM supports transportation-related research, education, workforce development and technology transfer.



Strategic Objectives

  • Conduct multi-disciplinary research on topics relevant to the relationship among transportation infrastructure, economic competiveness and safety
  • Disseminate research results and other products of the Center to the transportation community
  • Promote transportation education and professional development on topics relating to Center research topics
  • Establish a central point of contact and promotion of best practices (e.g., through a web site or list serve) for materials relating to transportation systems performance and management
  • Promote diversity in the workforce through active recruitment of women and minority students into degree programs 
  • Act as a national resource for the debates and discussions that focus on the evolving national transportation program and future directions
  • Explore international cooperative activities with research entities in selected countries where similar research interests exist



Management Structure Diagram



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