Next-Generation Wireless Bridge Weigh-in-Motion (WIM) System Integrated with Nondestructive Evaluation (NDE) Capability for Transportation Infrastructure Safety

Project Description: 

This proposal seeks to develop a wireless WIM+NDE system as a solution to the premature transportation infrastructure safety problem, for the first time ever, in a two-fold approach: control of overloaded trucks and safety assessment/monitoring of transportation infrastructure. The system contains individual wireless sensing nodes that integrate state-of-the-art shear strain sensors suitable for concrete bridge components, and ultrasonic nondestructive evaluation (NDE) devices suitable for steel components.

Final Report

Next-Generation Wireless Bridge Weigh-in-Motion (WIM) System Incorporated with Nondestructive Evaluation (NDE) Capability for Transportation Infrastructure Safety


  1. "A Next-Generation Wireless Sensing System for Civil Structures", presented at the 2014 UTC Conference for the Southeastern Region in Atlanta, Georgia, March 24 and 25, 2014.
  2. "Dynamic Simulation for Next-Generation BWIM System", presented at the CATSS-UTC Symposium in Atlanta, Georgia, April 2014.
  3. "Next-Generation Wireless Bridge Weigh-in-Motion (WIM) System Integrated with Nondestructive Evaluation (NDE) Capability for Transportation Infrastructure Safety", presented at the UTC Conference for the Southeastern Region in Orlando, Florida, April 4-5, 2013.

Project Information Forms:

  1. January 2013
  2. July 2013
  3. January 2014
  4. July 2014


  1. Dong, X., Chen, S., Zhu, D., Kane, M., Wang, Y. and Lynch, J.P. "High-speed heterogeneous data acquisition using Martlet - a next-generation wireless sensing device,"Proceedings of the Sixth World Conference on Structural Control and Monitoring (6WCSCM) Barcelona, Spain, July 15-17, 2014. ​
  2. Kane, M., Zhu, D., Hirose, M., Dong, X., Winter, B., Häckell, M., Lynch, J.P., Wang, Y. and Swartz, A. "Development of an extensible dual-core wireless sensing node for cyber-physical systems," Proceedings of SPIE, Nondestructive Characterization for Composite Materials, Aerospace Engineering, Civil Infrastructure, and Homeland Security,  San Diego, California, USA, March 10-13, 2014.
Describe Implementation of Research Outcomes (or why not implemented) : 
  • The main goal of current research work is on simulation of heavy vehicle to bridge interaction using advanced finite element modeling technique in order for effective use with the moving force identification (MFI) algorithm for the B-WIM system for enforcement and safety assessments. For this reason, the 3D heavy vehicle model was created with a complex suspension and damping system along with pneumatic tires. In addition to this, the 3D bridge model was developed with different types of elements such as beam, shell and solid. Transient dynamic vehicle to bridge interaction analysis was carried out based on numerical finite element computational mechanics using LSDYNA advanced computer program. We are in the process of mapping the 3D LSDYNA output of bridge-vehicle interaction analyses onto recently developed MFI algorithm from this current project. Our recently developed MFI algorithm is not, however, capable of integrating high fidelity simulation output from 3D LS DYNA. So significant efforts are currently underway on upgrading MFI algorithm and implementing the approach on a US-78 bridge.


Impacts/Benefits of Implementation (actual, not anticipated): 

The efforts are underway for the real time application of advanced FE simulation into MFI algorithm on a US-78 bridge to improve the axle detection of the current B-WIM system therefore making it more reliable for enforcement and safety assessment.

Principal Investigator(s) Contact Information: 
School of Civil and Environmental Engineering Georgia Institute of Technology 790 Atlantic Drive Atlanta, GA 30332-0355 Phone: (404) 894-1851, FAX: (404) 894-2278 Email:
Georgia Institute of Technology
Start and End Dates: 
05/01/12 ~ 12/31/14

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