TransportationCamp South 2014

On April 12 and 13, NCTSPM was proud to sponsor the second annual TransportationCamp South. Well-known for its unconventional approach to conference-going, TransportationCamp is a pioneer in the field of "unconferences", where attendees propose and lead sessions. This brings together both established and upcoming leaders in the transportation field for two days of learning, debating, connecting, and creating. 

This year, the proceedings were organized by Georgia Tech's Dr. Kari Watkins, P.E., who recently authored a research project sponsored by NCTSPM, entitled "Evaluating the Impact of Real-Time Transit Passenger Information on Ridership and Mode Share".

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Session Schedule


Date and time: 
Saturday, April 12, 2014 - 8:30am to Sunday, April 13, 2014 - 3:00pm
Location of Event: 
Clough Undergraduate Learning Commons
Symposia & Conferences

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