TransportationCamp South Schedule - April 12

10:30 - 11:30 AM

  • Room 102: Using Bike Count Data / Cycle Atlanta
  • Room 123: Adopt-a-Something App
  • Room 125: Self Driving / Connected / Autonomous Vehicles
  • Room 127: Mobile Payments Using Smart Phones
  • Room 129: App Connecting Various Transportation Options
  • Room 131: Bridging the Digital Divide in Community Engagement
  • Room 262: City-Interfacing Mobile Video Games
  • Room 272: Sharing-Rides App (Lyft/Uber/Kanga)
  • Room 278: Apps to Support Safe Routes to Transit
  • Room 280: Transportation & Accessibility to Quality Food

11:45 AM - 12:45 PM

  • Room 102: How Should Transit Riders and Agencies Communicate?
  • Room 123: Can Citizens Create their own Transpo Hacks?
  • Room 125: ARC One-Click System
  • Room 127: Improving MARTA UX
  • Room 129: Better Beltline Brainstorm
  • Room 131: Electrical Vehicle Ride Share
  • Room 262: Better Carpooling + Bike Trains
  • Room 272: Smart Parking
  • Room 280: MARTA Army / MARTA Perception
  • Room 323: Transit Ideation + Gamestorming

1:45 - 2:45 PM

  • Room 102: History of MARTA Planning
  • Room 123: The Atlanta Cycling Festival
  • Room 125: Equitable Transit
  • Room 127: Transit Oriented Development
  • Room 129: Cycling vs Streetcar
  • Room 131: Fixing Broken Sidewalks
  • Room 262: Improving the Build Environment to Improve Health
  • Room 272: Political Strategy for Transit Expansion in Atlanta
  • Room 278: Convincing Uninterested Residents to Support Alternative Transportation
  • Room 280: How to Plan without Gentrification
  • Room 323: Promoting Transit for Workplaces

3:00 - 4:00 PM

  • Room 102: Federal Policy / Innovative funding
  • Room 123: BikeShare ATL
  • Room 125: StudentInvolvement in Transit
  • Room 127: Bringing MARTA to Clayton County
  • Room 129: ATL 2017: Goodbye Braves, Hello MLS
  • Room 131: Private Shuttles (Atlantic Station, GT, etc.)
  • Room 272: Secure Bicycle Parking
  • Room 278: Public Policy and Transportation
  • Room 280: Public Art and Transportation
  • Room 323: Getting Millenials and Gen-Xers to Ride Transit

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