Project Title | Principal Investigator(s) | University | Topic |
Next-Generation Wireless Bridge Weigh-in-Motion (WIM) System Integrated with Nondestructive Evaluation (NDE) Capability for Transportation Infrastructure Safety | Wang, Yang |
Safety, State-of-Good-Repair |
Performance Measurements of Transportation Systems based on Fine-Grained Data Collected by AVI and AVL Systems | Hadi, Mohammed, Al-Deek, Haitham |
State-of-Good-Repair |
Reducing Service Interruptions in Linear Infrastructure Systems (Transportation and Water/Sewer) by Synchronizing Schedules for Selected Maintenance Activities | Tansel, Berrin |
State-of-Good-Repair |
Traffic Management Centers: Challenges, Best Practices, and Future Plans | Jin, Xia, Gan, Albert |
State-of-Good-Repair |
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