Georgia SPLOST Database and Clearinghouse for Transportation Finance

Project Description: 

Given the need of the comprehensive information and guidance for success of the SPLOST implementation, our purpose would be to consider development of a clearinghouse of SPLOSTs facilitating the exchange of information and knowledge and providing access to GDOT officials and local and county decision makers and legislators.

Final Report

Georgia SPLOST Database and Clearinghouse for Transportation Finance

Project Information Forms:

  1. February 2012
Describe Implementation of Research Outcomes (or why not implemented) : 

The clearinghouse will emphasize the development of innovative and implementable strategies for SPLOSTs. It will include development of a web portal and provide a centralized repository for transportation agencies to contribute data. It can be configured to accommodate other financial infrastructure related data. The financial data should be updated annually.

Impacts/Benefits of Implementation (actual, not anticipated): 

The results will provide comprehensive data source that helps local, county, RDC’s, MPO’s and other regional entities and state governments to better prepare for the consideration of financial and funding strategies for infrastructure for their constituencies. In addition, the information or results of current, previous and future SPLOSTs and LOSTs, financial conditions, such as current indebtedness issued bonds, other debts and taxes, socio-economic characteristics, political characteristics, new political alignments and partnerships, and transportation conditions etc. of each county, region, or state will help GDOT design the framework for local and regional transportation finance.

Principal Investigator(s) Contact Information:, 404-385-5130
Georgia Institute of Technology
Start and End Dates: 
2/1/2012 - 4/15/2013
Economic Competitiveness

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