Extending HYRISK to Predict Scour Risk as a Function of Soil Erodibility Characteristics

Project Description: 

HYRISK is a risk-assessment tool that calculates the probability of bridge failures due to scour. This project will extend HYRISK to include risk adjustment factors that account for soil erodibility.

Final Project

Extending HYRISK to Predict Scour Risk as a Function of Soil Erodibility Characteristics

Project Information Forms:

  1. January 2014
  2. July 2014
  3. January 2016
Describe Implementation of Research Outcomes (or why not implemented) : 

GDOT is planning to use HYRISK to identify a subset of bridges for which it will perform scour screenings and/or scour evaluations. Given the limited resources to conduct these screenings, it is critical that the bridgesselected are the ones that exhibit the highest risk of scour failures. 

Principal Investigator(s) Contact Information: 
Laurie.Garrow@ce.gatech.edu , Terry.Sturm@ce.gatech.edu
Georgia Institute of Technology
Start and End Dates: 

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