Enhanced Role of Activity Center Transportation Organizations in Regional Mobility

Project Description: 

The objectives and tasks of this research are to (1) review the literature and practices on the emerging roles of major activity center transportation organizations in enhancing activity center and regional transportation; (2) survey major activity centers in the United States with respect to their role and activities in actual operations of the transportation system serving their area; (3) support the implementation of road operations strategies under the auspices of the Buckhead CID; (4) assess the feasibility and effectiveness of activity center management association in such strategies; and (5) generalize the results of the research to other activity center contexts in the region and in the United States, with particular attention to Birmingham, Miami and Orlando. The Atlanta region is a good case study site for this study because it is representative of the fast growing metropolitan areas throughout the United States where activity centers play such an important role, and in particular serves as a good test bed for the application of operations strategies, which are receiving more attention in the region.

Final Report

Enhanced Role of Activity Center Transportation Organizations in Regional Mobility

Master's Theses:

  1. "Traffic management alternatives for business improvement districts." Darren Samuel Harris, Georgia Tech. (May 19, 2014)


  1. "Role of Transportation Management Associations in Traffic Operations", presented at the 2015 UTC Conference for the Southeastern Region in Birmingham, Alabama, March 26-27, 2015.

Project Information Forms:

  1. January 2013
  2. July 2013
  3. January 2014
  4. July 2014
  5. January 2015
Principal Investigator(s) Contact Information: 
angshuman.guin@ce.gatech.edu Georgia Institute of Technology Senior Research Engineer, Civil & Environmental Engineering
Georgia Institute of Technology
Economic Competitiveness

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