Economic Development and Workforce Impacts of State DOT Expenditures

Project Description: 

Using Georgia Department of Transportation (GDOT) as a case study, this research measures the impact of State DOT highway expenditures on economic activity, income, employment, and workforce development in local areas of the state. The results of the analysis are based on an examination of every prime contract and subcontract awarded by GDOT over the last three years (i.e. between 2009 and 2011). The research provides a national framework that state transportation agencies can use to measure the economic development and workforce impacts of highway expenditures.

  1. Analysis of GDOT’s highway expenditures
  2. Analysis of the economic impact of GDOT’s highway expenditures
  3. Analysis of employment and workforce characteristics of firms receiving awards
  4. Projected economic impact of special highway
  5. National framework for measuring statewide highway impacts

Final Report:

Economic Development and Workforce Impacts of State DOT Expenditures


  1. "Economic Development and Workforce Impacts of State DOT Highway Expenditures", presented at the 2014 UTC Conference for the Southeastern Region in Atlanta, Georgia, March 24-25, 2015.
  2. "Economic Development and Workforce Impacts of GDOT Highway Expenditures", presented May 2013


Principal Investigator(s) Contact Information: 
Office: Room 237, Old CE Building Phone: 404.894.5020
Georgia Institute of Technology
Start and End Dates: 
05/01/12 - 02/14/14
Economic Competitiveness

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