Development of a Prototype Evidence-Based Database and Planning Tool: Applying Performance Management Principles in Asset Management Program Development

Project Description: 

The purpose of this research is to develop an evidence-based planning tool and database that will help agencies to strategically plan the development of their asset management programs using accumulated experience to achieve higher-performance output. Specifically, the research will: (1) Conduct a literature review to determine best practices in evidence-based design, planning and programming that can be applied to Transportation. It will also draw from existing key literature on performance management; (2) Work with AASHTO, TRB and other relevant professional organizations to determine and refine key performance indicators for tracking asset management program performance; (3) Design and conduct multiple case studies to collect best practices and lessons learned in asset management program development (both network-level and project-level asset management); (4) Develop procedures to evaluate program maturity levels against performance as indicated by key performance indicators; and (5) Develop prototype evidence-based database and planning tool for performance –based planning of asset management program development.

Final Report

Development of a Prototype Evidence-Based Database and Planning Tool: Applying Performance Management Principles in Asset Management Program Development


  1. "Prototype Evidence-Based Database for Transportation Asset Management", presented at the UTC Conference for the Southeastern Region in Atlanta, Georgia, March 24-25, 2014.

Project Information Forms:

  1. January 2013
  2. June 2013
  3. January 2014
  4. June 2014
  5. January 2015
  6. January 2016
Describe Implementation of Research Outcomes (or why not implemented) : 

The results of this study are expected to define quality of evidence for the outcomes of transportation asset management program investments.

Principal Investigator(s) Contact Information: 
School of Civil & Environmental Engineering, 788 Atlantic Drive
Georgia Institute of Technology
Start and End Dates: 
08/19/12 - 12/31/13
Economic Competitiveness

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