Assessment of High Early Strength Limestone Blended Cement for Next Generation Transportation Structures

Project Description: 

This research effort is aimed at evaluating the effects of increasing ground limestone addition rates and in particular high fineness blended cements developed for high early strength in precast concrete construction. Assessment of key material properties (e.g., setting time, strength development, shrinkage, creep, permeability) relevant to the construction, operation, and maintenance of transportation structures will be the focus. Results will be used to better understand the implications of changes in cement compositions and to provide guidance of how these changes can or should be accommodated in state and federal specifications for precast concrete elements intended for transportation structures.

Final Report

Assessment of High Early Strength Limestone Blended Cement for Next Generation Transportation Structures


  1. "Compatibility of superplasticizers and metakaolin blended cementitious systems", presented at the 1st International Conference of Calcined Clays for Sustainability of Concrete in Lausanne, Switzerland, June 22-25, 2015. (submitted for review)
  2. "Georgia Tech's Precast Concrete Research", presented at the Georgia/Carolinas Precast/Prestressed Concrete Institute Meeting in Hilton Head, North Carolina, June 13-15, 2014.

Project Information Forms:

  1. January 2014
  2. May 2014
Principal Investigator(s) Contact Information:
Georgia Institute of Technology
Start and End Dates: 
12/15/13 - 12/31/15

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