On May 27, Georgia Tech's Dr. Kari Watkins was featured on the radio show, "On Second Thought Radio". She discussed the future of high speed rail in Georgia. From the site:
"The future of high speed rail in Georgia is unclear at this point. Chattanooga’s mayor says the bullet train that was proposed to run between his city and Atlanta will likely not get the funding it needs, and while the Georgia Department of Transportation is in early talks with other states about bringing high speed rail to Georgia, nothing is on the table at this point. So is high speed rail in Georgia’s future? And what are the pros and cons that come with it? Host Celeste Headlee speaks to Kari Watkins, Assistant Professor in the School of Civil and Environmental Engineering at the Georgia Institute of Technology, about it, and she’ll get some perspective from one state that’s already doing it: Dan Richard, Board Chairman for the California High Speed Rail Authority." |
Click here to listen to the show.
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