Georgia Tech's Dr. Kari Watkins and Dr. Michael Rodgers Receive Undergraduate Education Awards

It was recently announced that Dr. Michael Rodgers of Georgia Tech's School of Civil and Environmental Engineering was chosen to receive the prestigious 2014 CETL Undergraduate Educator Award, while Dr. Kari E. Watkins, P.E., received the 2014 CETL/BP Junior Faculty Teaching Excellence Award and Dr. Michael P. Hunter was selected for the 2014 Faculty Honors Institute Outstanding Service Award.

Previous Slide 1/7 Next Award Recipients at the Luncheon<span style="font-size:10px"> Award Recipients at the Luncheon</span> Award Recipients <span style="font-size:10px"> Award Recipients </span> Dr. Hunter receives his award<span style="font-size:10px"> Dr. Hunter receives his award</span> Dr. Rodgers receives his award<span style="font-size:10px"> Dr. Rodgers receives his award</span> Dr. Rodgers receives his award <span style="font-size:10px"> Dr. Rodgers receives his award </span> Dr. Watkins receives her award <span style="font-size:10px"> Dr. Watkins receives her award </span> Dr. Watkins receives her award <span style="font-size:10px"> Dr. Watkins receives her award </span>

The CETL Undergraduate Educator Award is given to a Georgia Tech faculty member who demonstrates teaching excellence in core courses, required courses, or large classes, impacts multiple diverse student populations, impacts students' lives, both in and beyond the classroom, is an innovative educational professoinal, extends his educational outreach beyond the classroom and laboratory, is accessible to all students, is passionate about teaching and learning, and demonstrates quality Georgia Tech citizenship.

The CETL/BP Junior Faculty Teaching Excellence Award is awarded to a Georgia Tech professor who demonstrates educational innovations, impacts students' lives, both in and beyond the classroom, is passionate about teaching and learning, builds connections between research and teaching, extends her educational outreach beyond the classroom and laboratory, demonstrates teaching excellence in core classes, required classes, and large classes, is accessible to all students, and demonstrates good Georgia Tech citizenship. 

The Faculty Honors Institute Outstanding Service Award is presented to a member of the general faculty at Georgia Tech who has benefited the Institute, profession, school/department, or the general public in an exemplary manner.


NCTSPM congratulates Drs. Watkins, Rodgers, and Hunter on their achievements.

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