In October of 2013, Dr. Kari Watkins, along with graduate students Landon Reed and James Wong, travelled to Tokyo, Japan, for the ITS World Congress. The Congress itself lasted for three days, though Watkins, Reed, and Wong spent an additional five days exploring the host country itself.
At the 2013 ITS World Congres, Dr. Watkins moderated a special session titled "The Internet Paradigm and ITS", which both Reed and Wong spoke at. Additionally, she presented in the "What are the Effects of Open Data on Public Transportation" session, while Wong's presentation, on another night of the conference, was entitled "Managing traffic using third-party data: Are TMC's ready?". Reed's presentation was on the topic of "Real-time transit pasenger information: A case study in standards development", which is also the topic of his thesis.
All enjoyed their trip and the unique opportunity their participation in the 2013 ITS World Congress provided.
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