UCF's Radwan Attends 17th IRF World Meeting and Exhibition

This November, Dr. Essam Radwan of the University of Central Florida attended the 17th International Road Federation World Meeting & Exhibition held in Riyadh, Saudi Arabia. Held from November 10th to 14th, 2,000 delegates representing more than 40 countries were in attendance. IRF invited Fellows who attended graduate programs in the United States to this meeting and Dr. Radwan connected with some of these fellows who studied under his supervision at Virginia Tech, Arizona State University, and UCF; additionally, Dr. Radwan served as the Technical and Scientific Program chair. 


Shown from left to right are Mr. Taylor Lochrane, 2011 IRF Fellow and 2013 NCTSPM Student of the Year Award recipient, Mr. Syed Zaire Zaidi, 2010 IRF Fellow and an alumni who received a master's in transportation engineering from UCF, and Mr. Sandesh Chalise, 2013 IRF Fellow and a current Ph.D. student at UCF.

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