In this project, a wireless sensor network will be investigated for installation on a heavy truck to record the dynamic response of the truck as it crosses a bridge mounted with BWIM+NDE devices. The sensors installed in the vehicle include accelerometers to measure vibration and gyroscopes to capture vehicle pitching motion. As the instrumented vehicle approaches the bridge, BWIM+NDE system wirelessly establishes communication with wireless sensors on the vehicle to synchronize time and initiate data collection. As the truck crosses the bridge, the wireless sensors on the truck transmit vibration and pitching data to the wireless BWIM+NDE server for automatic integration with bridge response data. Experimental validation of the proposed wireless system will be performed both in the lab and in the field.
Final Report
Field Validation of a Drive-By Bridge Inspection System with Wireless BWIM + NDE Devices
Project Information Forms:
The project is undergoing research and development phase.
The wireless BWIM+NDE device provides an overarching tool that offers vibration measurements for both the bridge and vehicle, as well as the ultrasonic characterization of hot-spot areas. BWIM and vehicle-bridge dynamic interaction studies, when correlated and strengthened with ultrasonic NDE data, offers high-fidelity evaluation of bridge safety.
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