Butch Wlaschin, Director, FHWA Office of Asset Management, Pavements and Construction
Abstract: MAP-21, new Federal Transportation Legislation Law now requires state DOTs to have comprehensive data-driven risk-based asset management plans to be used for decision-making. FHWA is currently defining the process for the development of these plans via a formal Notice of Proposed Rule (NPRM). This presentation will highlight currently federal thinking, the various approaches and challenges. Additional Rules will require a consistent national assessment of the pavement condition on the Interstate and National Highway System, as well as a minimum threshold for the Interstate pavements.
What's in the Rules for States, MPOs, and local Governments? What is your role - current - future? Where would you spend that last transportation dollar? Do you have the right tools in your tool box to make a risk-based decision. Mr. Wlaschin detailed his role in the process and discuss how transportation departments are becoming more like a business organization.
Watch the video here.
This NCTSPM-sponsored seminar was held in conjunction with Dr. James Tsai’s class (CEE4803 Infrastructure Management: IT Applications).
Mr. Butch Wlaschin, became the Director, of the FHWA Office of Asset Management, Pavements and Construction in August 2007. He leads of team of engineers and transportation specialists in developing policy, guidance and technical assistance for state and local transportation officials in those areas. Mr. Wlaschin has more than 42 years of service in the transportation arena, having been the Deputy Director and Chief Engineer of the FHWA Federal Lands Highway Program from 1997 to 2007. He holds a MSCE in Geotechnical Engineering from Georgia Tech and a BSCE from Lamar University. He is a Life Member of ASCE and a Registered Professional Engineer. He has been married for 43 years, and has three sons and 7 grandchildren.
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