On April 3, the University of Alabama, Birmingham will host its annual Sustainable Smart Cities Symposium.
The goal of the UAB Sustainable Smart Cities Symposium is to foster cross-disciplinary research, training, and outreach that integrate health, socio-economic impacts, and infrastructure design for the purpose of developing innovative solutions for sustainable smart cities and communities. Specifically, the symposium will bring together individuals with diverse expertise representing academics, corporations, organizations, policy makers on green construction materials; sustainable building and design concepts; social impacts of technology; modeling and simulation; medical sociology, health informatics, and social psychology; public health, emergency preparedness and response, and community resiliency; and government and public policy.
Georgia Tech students with former Bogata mayor Enrique Penalosa and SSRC Chair Fouad Fouad at the inaugural Sustainable Smart Cities Symposium in Birmingham
Catherine Ross, Phd of Georgia Tech discusses sustainable transportation at the second Sustainable Smart Cities Symposium, held April 3, 2013 in Birmingham
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