Roger Wayson (KBRWyle)

Join NCTSPM for this Transportation Speaker Series event, featuring Dr. Roger Wayson, Ph.D. and P.E., Research Engineer at KBRWyle. Dr. Wayson will be speaking on the topic of "Continuing to Understand and Improve Regulatory Models for Transportation Air Quality".

Regulatory models for both emission and dispersion modeling are continually being updated to use in transportation air quality analysis.  It is important that the underlying assumptions and implementation of methods are understood in these models to avoid misuse and/or large errors.  Additionally, it is important that the development and updating of these models continue as we better understand the needs, uses, and desires of the analyst.  This presentation explores two topic areas from three different research efforts.  The first area covered will be specific to the EPA motor vehicle emission model (MOVES) while the second part discusses dispersion modeling of aircraft at airports.  The MOVES project that will be discussed involves modeling of ethanol blends with MOVES; in regards to both inputs and how the output emissions are changed.  The dispersion modeling will review how LiDAR measurements have been used to improve estimates from the EPA dispersion model AERMOD at airports as used in FAA regulatory models and possible future enhancements.  The presentation will conclude with a discussion of using Puff modeling applications at airports.

Dr. Roger Wayson has been working in the fields of noise and air pollution measurements, modeling, and abatement, primarily from mobile sources, for over 44 years. He has a Bachelor and Masters degree from the University of Texas at Austin and a Ph.D. from Vanderbilt University.  He has authored numerous papers on transportation noise/air quality and was a lead author with the 2007 IPCC Nobel Peace Prize winning team.  He retired as a full professor from the University of Central Florida to take a job with the U.S. Department of Transportation as a National Expert in the Environmental Measurement and Modeling Division at the Volpe National Transportation Systems Center.  He recently retired from his government position to take on another challenge and is working as a Research Engineer with KBRWyle. 

Date and time: 
Thursday, October 6, 2016 - 11:00am
Location of Event: 
Georgia Tech Mason Bldg. 1133
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