NCTSPM Students Fakharian, Wu, and Wang Receive ITS Florida's Anne Brewer Scholarship

Somayeh Fakharian Qom, Ling Wang and Jiawei Wu, of Florida International University (FIU) and the University of Central Florida (UCF), respectivey, recently received the Anne Brewer Scholarship from ITS Florida. 

Somayeh is an FIU Ph.D. student in Transportation Engineering, with a focus on transportation safety. Advised by Dr. Mohammed Hadi, she led the formation of the FIU chapter of the Women's Transportation Seminar. She's working on an NCTSPM project, "Performance Measurements of Transportation Systems based on Fine Grained Data Collected by AVI and AVL Systems". She has also published five papers in the field of ITS.


Ling is a Ph.D. student in Transportation Engineering at UCF, with a focus in transportation safety. She has a perfect 4.0 GPA, and her research interests include real-time crash prediction and microscopic simulation for expressways. One of Ling's papers on this topic was published at the 2014 TRB Annual Meeting, and she currently works as a research assistant. 

Jiawei is a master's student at UCF, and he has been admitted to UCF's Ph.D. program. His thesis topic relates to analyzing and assessing taxi drivers' behavior and performance in driving in major cities. He is advised by Dr. Essam Radwan, and is currently working on two other UCF research projects. Jiawei was also a co-author on the paper, "Effectiveness of Variable Message Signs on Driving Behavior Based on a Drivign Simulation Experiment."

The ITS Florida Anne Brewer Scholarship Program serves to assist future ITS leaders in Florida and serve as a lasting memory of Ms. Brewer's contribution to ITS. 

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