Georgia Tech's Civil & Environmental Engineering Department is pleased to welcome Representative Jay Roberts (R-154) and Senator Steve Gooch (R-51) to speak on Thursday, November 13 at 11:00 am in Mason 1133.
Rep. Roberts is the Chairman of the Georgia House of Representative's Transportation Committee, and Sen. Gooch is Chairman of the Georgia Senate's Transportation Committee. Together, they are currently co-chairing the Joint Study Committee on Critical Transportation Infrastructure Funding. The committee, which was created by HR 1573 as a joint study committee, consists of 16 members. It has been charged to study the conditions, needs, issues and problems of identifying funding sources to provide transportation infrastructure sufficient to maintain and improve Georgia's economic competitiveness and quality of life. Rep. Roberts is also a member of numerous House committees, including: Appropriations, Agriculture & Consumer Affairs,Game, Fish & Parks, and Rules.
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Representative Jay Roberts | Senator Steve Gooch |
Sen. Gooch is a member of the Senate Committees on Appropriation, MARTOC, and Natural Resources and the Environment, and he is Vice Chairman of the Economic Development Committee and Ex-Officio of the Rules Committee.
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