Haitham Al-Deek (UCF) featured on WFTV Channel 9 news

Haitham Al-Deek from the University of Central Florida was recently featured on WFTV Channel 9 news for his research team's previous and current efforts on wrong-way driving. They are developing countermeasures to detect and prevent or reduce wrong-way driving.  The news clip shows a catastrophic event: a wrong-way suicidal driver who took another life with him on the OOCEA's SR408 toll road last year.  Both the suicidal young driver and an innocent 66-year old man who was driving to work that day died immediately with their cars completely burned.  Currently, there is no system on any of Florida roads to detect these wrong-way driving incidents and try to do something about them before it is too late.  This is about to change soon with Al-Deek's research research and a new cutting edge technology which will be implemented to combat this problem.

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