Dr. Radwan lectures in Beijing Jiatong University May 20-24, 2013

The Associate Dean of the School of Traffic and Transportation at Beijing Jiaotong University (BJTU), China invited Dr. Essam Radwan to deliver a four-day short course on traffic engineering and management to a group of undergraduate and graduate students. This activity is part of a newly created project for “Discipline Innovation Wisdom Base” (also named as “111” Project) themed at Rail Traffic Control and Safety.

The initiative was granted by the Ministry of Education and the State Administration of Foreign Experts Affairs in China. Members of this project will participate in International conferences hosted by BJTU, participate in workshops of the “111” Project, organize individual seminars, teach short/long term courses, utilize BJTU facilities to conduct specific research projects and result in co-publications with students and faculties at BJTU.


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