Dr. Abdel-Aty conducts 2 seminars at Central South University (CSU), China, May 29, 2013

Prof. Helai Huang, the director of Urban Transport Research Center of CSU, invited Dr. Abdel-Aty of UCF to visit CSU, China.

Dr. Abdel-Aty made two presentations:
Topic 1: Current Traffic Safety Research Initiatives and the Future Opportunities for Practice

Topic 2: Visibility Warning Systems for the Safety of Highways 


  • Ten faculty members and 100 students at School of Traffic and Transportation of CSU
  • Five officials, Hunan expressway authorities.
  • Prof. Li Shuo, Hunan University
  • Prof. Cai Guo, Hunan Institution of Police
  • Dr. Hu Youhong, Chair Engineer, Changsha Department of Traffic Police

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