Consortium Member: Florida International University

Florida International University (FIU) is a public research university in Miami, Florida. With a student body of nearly 50,000, FIU serves a large number of economically disadvantaged students. Nearly 50 percent of all undergraduate students at FIU receive financial aid, and nearly 60 percent of those recipients come from families with annual household incomes under $30,000. FIU is a member of Hispanic Serving Institutions, defined by the Hispanic Association of Colleges and Universities as “colleges, universities, or systems/districts where total Hispanic enrollment constitutes a minimum of 25 percent of the total enrollment.” FIU is the largest producer of Hispanic engineers in the continental United States. It is also home to The Lehman Center for Transportation Research (LCTR) established in 1993 to meet the transportation research, education, and training needs of the South Florida region.

Civil/Environmental Engineering Faculty

  • Priyanka Alluri  Research Associate 305-348-4103
    Expertise: Transportation safety, human factors. Full Bio
  • Atorod Azizinamini  Chair, Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering, Director, Accelerated Bridge Construction Center (ABC-UTC) 305-348-3821
    Expertise: Steel bridges, structural reliability, earthquake engineering. Full Bio
  • Fabian Cevallos  Transit Progrem Director at Lehman Center for Transportation Research 954-234-4183
    Expertise: Advanced Public Transportation Systems (APTS), transit planning and operations, business intelligence, traffic safety, information technology. Full Bio
  • Arindam Gan Chowdhury  Director, Laboratory for Wind Engineering Research (LWER), Assistant Professor 305-348-0518
    Expertise: Aerodynamics, aeroelasticity, full-scale wind testing, wind-rain-structure interaction, sustainable structures. Full Bio
  • Albert Gan  Professor 305-348-3116
    Expertise: Traffic safety, demand modeling, ITS, transportation databases and software development. Full Bio
  • Mohammed Hadi  Associate Professor 305-348-0092
    Expertise: ITS, connected vehicles, traffic control systems, freeway operations, simulation/dynamic traffic assignment, traffic safety. Full Bio
  • Kirolos Haleem  Research Associate 321-276-7889
    Expertise: Traffic safety, statistical, econometrics, and data mining applications in transportation engineering, access management analysis, traffic simulation, ITS. Full Bio
  • Xia Jin  Assistant Professor 305-348-2825
    Expertise: Travel demand modeling, behavior analysis, GIS, travel survey methods. Full Bio
  • Kaiyu Liu Senior Research Associate 305-348-4102
    Expertise: GIS traffic safety, transportation web applications. Full Bio
  • Amir Mirmiran Vasant H. Surti Professor, Dean of the College of Engineering and Computing 305-348-2522
    Expertise: Fiber Reinforced Plastic (FRP) composites for infrastructure, hurricane-resistant structures, value engineering. Full Bio
  • Halit Ozen Research Associate 305-348-1393
    Expertise: Demand modeling, ITS, traffic signals and simulation, pavement design/materials, highway design. Full Bio
  • L. David Shen  Director of Lehman Center for Transportation Research, Professor 305-348-3814
    Expertise: Airport planning and design, mass transit planning, planning and design of intermodal facilities, transportation systems management. Full Bio
  • Berrin Tansel Undergraduate Program Director, Professor 305-348-2802
    Expertise: Sustainability, environmental impacts, climate change, lifeline infrastructure, human-land-water interactions in coastal areas, environmental stress, environmental planning, contaminant transport and migration from petroleum/oil spills, STEM Outreach for K-12. Full Bio
  • Wanyang Wu  Research Associate 305-348-4103
    Expertise: Traffic simulation, traffic studies, GIS, highway safety. Full Bio
  • Yan Xiao  Research Associate 305-348-1393
    Expertise: ITS, traffic simulation, demand modeling, data mining. Full Bio
  • Pedram Zohrevand  Research Assistant Professor 305-348-6838
    Expertise: Advanced Materials and their Structural Applications, Stress Analysis and Evaluation of Fracture Mechanics in Hybrid and Composite Structures, Prestressed and Reinforced Concrete Structures, Accelerated Construction, Dynamic Analysis and Structural Evaluation, Retrofit and Rehabilitation of Structures, Nonlinear Finite Element Analysis and Modeling. Full Bio


College of Nursing and Health Sciences Faculty

  • Dennis P. McCarthy  Director, South Florida Community Mobility Research Lab, Assistant Professor 305-348-3105 
    Expertise: Transportation options for seniors and those with disabilities; driving performance; driving simulaton. Full Bio


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