The 2016 University Transportation Center Conference for the Southeastern Region will be hosted by the Southeastern Transportation Center UTC and the University of Tennessee Knoxville. The event will take place on March 31 and April 1, 2016, in the heart of downtown Knoxville.
In the words of its organizers, "this innovative conference will bring together faculty, students, practitioners, and public agencies in the southeast to showcase recent achievements and collaborations. The program promises to be a fast-paced and engaging opportunity to share where we've been and where we're going in transportation research, education, and tech transfer".
The Conference will take place at the University of Tennessee Conference Center Building, located at 600 Henley Street, Knoxville, TN.
To view more information on the Conference, please visit the Southeastern Transportation Center's webpage. More information will be available soon, so please be sure to check back with us.
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