The University of Central Florida and the University of Tennessee, Knoxville, will be hosting the 2015 Road Safety & Simulation International Conference in Orlando, Florida, from October 6th through 8th. The conference will cover topics ranging from driving simulation, big data, and safety modelling, to traffic microsimulation, emerging technologies, and vehicle automation. Since its inception in Rome, Italy, in 2007, the RSS conferences have made a practice of showcasing advancements in traffic simulation and driving simulations, and introducing new ideas and concepts.
The conference will feature keynote speakers such as Dr. Peter A. Hancock, Sc.D., Ph.D., of the Unviersity of Central Florida, Dr. C. Y. David Yang of the Federal Highway Administration, and Jeff Greenberg of the Ford Motor Company. Hancock is the Provost Distinguished Research Professor of Psychology, the Institute for Simulation and Training, and the Departments of Civil and Environmental Engineering and Industrial Engineering and Management Systems at the University of Central Florida, and Yang is the Human Factors Team Leader in the FHWA's Office of Safety Research and Development. Greenberg is a Senoir Technical Leader with Ford's Research and Advanced Engineering Group.
Currently, over 100 podium presentations and over 80 posters have been scheduled to be presented. More information will be available soon, along with a conference program.
Online registration is still available, with a discounted price available for students. Day-of registration will be available, with a higher cost.
To register, please click here.
To download a conference flyer, click here.
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