2014 UTC Conference for the Southeastern Region - Logistics

Date: March 24 and 25, 2014

LocationGeorgia Tech Global Learning Center, 84 5th St NW Atlanta, GA 30308-1031

Conference RegistrationClick here (registration hosted by Georgia Tech Professional Education) -- Registration is FREE

Accommodations: We have reserved a block of rooms at the Renaissance Atlanta Midtown Hotel. The conference rate is $149/night (rate includes complimentary wifi). To reserve a room at the conference rate, please follow this link: https://resweb.passkey.com/go/UTCconference. The Renaissance is at 866 West Peachtree St NW, Atlanta, GA 30308, just 3 blocks (.2 miles) from the conference center. (If making a reservation by phone, call Marriott Reservations at 1-800-468-3571 and be sure to request the Georgia Tech rate for the UTC conference).

Getting to and around AtlantaClick here for a visitor's guide to GT and Atlanta, containing driving directions as well as information on transit, parking and nearby restaurants.

AgendaClick here for the program

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