Cooperative Vehicle-Highway Automation (CVHA) Technology: Simulation of Benefits and Operational Issues

Project Description: 

Traffic congestion costs an estimated one hundred billion dollars each year in the United States.  To help manage driving in congested freeway environments, major automobile manufacturers are developing semi-autonomous Cooperative Vehicle-Highway Automation (CVHA) systems that keep pace with other vehicles and provide automated steering control to maintain lane position among other features. This study will utilize microscopic traffic simulation to model: 1) CVHA driving under different traffic conditions 2) CVHA driving under different operating parameters, such as minimum headway between vehicles, and 3) the interaction between non-CVHA vehicles and CVHA vehicles on the roadway.  This research will provide state agencies with operational performance analysis of CVHA in different operating environments.  This study focuses on developing the information necessary for State DOTs to make data-driven decisions regarding management of their current and next-generation infrastructure given the imminent introduction of CVHA technology; it also provides transparent analysis for state transportation officials to carefully evaluate the impacts of CVHA to their highway systems.  

Final Report

Cooperative Vehicle-Highway Automation (CVHA) Technology: Simulation of Benefits and Operational Issues


  1. "Cooperative Vehicle-Highway Automation (CVHA) Technology: Simulation of Benefits and Operational Issues", presented at the 2015 UTC Conference for the Southeastern Region in Birmingham, Alabama, March 26-27, 2015.

Project Information Forms:

  1. January 2014
Principal Investigator(s) Contact Information: ,
Georgia Institute of Technology, Florida International University
Start and End Dates: 
11/01/13 - 05/01/15
Economic Competitiveness

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